onsdag 26. oktober 2011

Having trouble with your weight? Read this book:

I have borrowed this from Ann-Kathrin and I really enjoy reading it. The book is about what Japanese people eat on a every day basis. No, I am not talking about sushi and sashimi, but good old fashioned home cooked meals. As well as reading about cooking in Japan you also get to see all the recipes! Isn´t this great? I am definitely going to make something exciting for dinner soon. :-) The original title is: " Japanese women don´t get old or fat." This is actually true... I thought my Japanese teachers were between 15 and 20 years younger than what they turned out to be: It was a shock! So forget about that diet and start eating like the Japanese! いただきます! 今日たかひろさんは中国に行っている。たかひろさんはQibaoに行くはずだ。この写真はきれいでしょう? たかひろさん、たくさん写真を撮ってください。 今日は一日中家をそうじして、せんたくした。そえでも家はきれいじゃない。明日もそうじしなくちゃ。

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